At the very end of June we made the trek up to Washington to visit our families.
Don't let the delay of this post fool you... we loved every minute in Washington. In fact, we loved it so much we took a plethora of photos (big surprise). So I have been putting off weeding through them and having to deciding which ones I want to remember the most.We left straight from Midway (on Father's Day) and drove 13 hours to Spokane. One of the first days we were in Spokane, we went to Riverfront Park like we usually do when we're in Spokane. Ben had never seen the falls in the Spring when they're full and waters actually gets misted up onto the walk.

The Looff Carousel. We love riding carousels, but especially this one - it's the best out of all the carousels I've ridden on.

The garbage goat. Push a button and he sucks garbage out of your hand.
We actually remembered to have garbage with us this time around... usually we go into he carousel to pick up a brochure, just so we can rip it into pieces to feed the goat.

Radio Flyer slide (climb up the back and slide down the handle)

Logan preferred the blocks over the slide

They had just been trying to catch bugs with no success.

And feeding the ducks, of course.

By this point the boys were hot and there's a splash pad at the park that I have never seen before so we let the boys get in and play around. Luckily we had an extra change of clothes in the van.

Ben took this shot... nice Ben.

The main reason we went to Spokane when we did was so we could see my nephew one more time before leaving for the MTC. He was called to serve in Brazil but is currently serving in Detroit, MI waiting for his Visa.
The second day we were in Spokane we got to have lunch and dinner with him. For dinner we went to the closest churrascaria which was in Coeur d'Alene. Yum!

Me and Cory. He'll be a wonderful missionary.

After dinner some of us walked around the board walk since it was only a few blocks away. It's the World's longest floating boardwalk and usually a classic "to-do" when we visit.

The first day we went to the Japanese Gardens on the South Hill. Ben had never been before so I was so excited to show him how beautiful they are!
Love how curious Logan is

Ben's science lesson #243: How to identify a Japanese Maple. :)
Just kidding, Ben. Logan loves learning from you.

Logan was OBSESSED with a sick coy (that was actually dead). He was starting to decompose a bit I think and he was missing an eye, which Lo couldn't NOT get over. He couldn't take his eyes off that fish.

The Lilaa Garden was right next to the Japanese Gardens so we strolled through since they're my
favorite flower.
I couldn't stop smelling them... mmm...

More pics from Spokane to come. Lots more :)