Thursday, May 5, 2011

Dear Lincoln

Dear Lincoln,

I remember one year ago the fear I had in the hospital. I scheduled your
induction out of fear that you would be too big for me to birth. I remember fearing the challenge of having someone so little in our home again and feeling like we were starting all over again. I remember fearing the chaos that would inevitable come with having two kids. Two boys. I remember fearing that you wouldn't be as easy as a baby as Logan was. But then I distinctly remember the calm that came into the room the minute you were born, and the fear and panic disappearing.

The past year has bee
n so neat having you in our family. It seems like we turned from a young couple with a toddler into a real family when you came along. Chaos did (and still does) ensue from time to time, and you weren't as easy of a baby as Logan was, but you have proven that you are very much your own little self, a sensitive little spirit who is completely different than Logan.

It has been so special watching you grow up around Logan. First of all, the fact that any younger sibling survives the wrath of older siblings is nothing short of a miracle. Secondly, I just smile when I see you trying so hard to keep up with brother. You try so hard to be like him, to go where he goes and to do what he does. You were movin' and groovin' way early in your little life in order to follow Logan around. Logan is the one who makes you laugh the most and you are always much happier when Lo is in the room. It has been so special to see the brother bond between you two developing this past year.

I love the way that you have changed our family dynamic. You're our sunshine, our peanut and we love you.

2 weeks old

4 months old

6 months old
9 months old
1 year oldSome fun facts about Linc:

He's still skinny:
weighs 19.5 lb (8%)
length 30.25 in (67%)
head 17.5 in (9%)

He's a great eater (oinker) and is pretty much feeding himself.
Not a great milk drinker.

Has 12 teeth and another one coming in soon.

Has been sick more times than I can remember.

He is McSpeedy at crawling. Super fast crawling + big curiosity = big messes.

Cruises around furniture and walks with walker toys, but has no real interest in walking yet.

Says "Mama," "Dada" and "Moo."

Signs "more" and "all-done"

Waves bye bye. Plays peek-a-boo hiding behind his hands or blanket. Raises his hands when we ask, "How big are you?" Plays pat-a-cake.

Hates getting dressed.

Loves bath time, especially with Logan. Loves his binky. Loves his lion, puppy and really loves snuggling with his blanky.

Tummy sleeper.

Loves balls and balloons. Still loves Hoodoo.

Gets into the bottom drawer where we keep the boys' plates, cups etc. All the time.

Super content in his car seat and in the car. (thanks goodness).

AND because this post isn't long enough... here are some pics of fun things we did on his birthday.

Picnic at the park for lunch (me and the boys)
(Logan's trying to do under-dog with him here)

After Ben got home, we went to Trafalga and you got to ride the carousel for the first time.
Waiting in line for the go carts

And Lo went climbing for the first time... not so easy in cowboy boots.


Stephanie Salmon said...

Aw, happy birthday Lincoln!!! He sounds JUST like Mckinley in so many ways. Eating lots but never drinking milk. He is so cute Kristi and I'm sorry this week has seriously been so crazy with the wedding so we'll just have to get together next week!

Trent & Emily Davies said...

Ahhh what a sweet post! Happy Birthday to Lincoln!!

Em and Ms said...

Happy Birthday Lincoln! He's such a cute little guy.

April Bird said...

Very cute post! What a great idea to write it as a letter to Lincoln. He IS such a cute little guy. It's hard to believe he's one already!

Kristy said...

Happy birthday, little guy! This was a sweet letter. And that picture of him and Logan in the matching overalls was too cute!

Lee and Sharon said...

Life is full of miracles, tiny and large and many. Children are the most important in our lives. You are the sweetest Mother Kris.
Happy Mother's Day. I am such a lucky Nana to have such adorable grandchildren. Thank you both for them.

Katie said...

I love your letter. What a sweet little boy! Miss you!

Erin McSpadden said...

I love your letter sis. and he's not too bad in weight kris, C is only 24 lbs and she's 2 1/2. They all grow differently. And that little boy is sooooo cute and i love the McSpeed name, that's Jeremy's brothers racing nick name too.. funny. it sure fits these little ones though.