Tuesday, May 13, 2008

No I'm not pregnant - Happy Mother's Day

So I realize this is the day after Mother's Day, but welcome to my life...one day behind everyone else!

Just to clarify, in case I started any rumors with the first picture of my last post, I am not pregnant and won't be in the near future. Sorry to the Grandmas. But speaking of pregnancy, Primary was pretty funny yesterday...

I asked the kids during closing exercises, "What do mothers do for us?"

child #1: "They teach us the dospel" (he pronounces his g's as d's, very cute)

child #2: "They love us"

child #3: "They make more of us"

me: "Do you mean they make us better and be the best we can be?"

*thought kicks in...this boy has a brand new baby brother this week*

me: "or do you mean they make more people?"

child #3: "yeah"

me: *while trying not to laugh* "They sure do."

I love being a mom and am thankful for my time in Primary so far. I have come to realize how sweet, pure and innocent children are (most of the time). If you find yourself in a rotten mood, just step into your local primary for 5 minutes and become enlightened. It does a body good. Happy Mother's Day to my own mother and the many great mothers and mothers-to-be who I know read this blog.


Andy said...

That is too funny. He's right though...we can make cookies AND people. :-) My favorite part about primary is that in every opening prayer the child includes the phrase "....and please bless us to have a good time...."

Em and Ms said...

That was so cute and funny. I love hearing the things kids come up with. Hope you had a great Mother's Day!

Kris said...

oh the prayers are the best...and I've also picked up on the common "help us to get home safely" during the closing prayer....even though most of our kids live within one block of the church and walk every Sunday. :-)

Lee and Sharon said...

I love the children singing time. There is always one child that will outdo the others and can be heard out in the hall.
Isn't Primary a blessing for our families.

(kris, I hate typing in those screwy words at the bottom) ugh

Lee and Sharon said...

I love the children singing time. There is always one child that will outdo the others and can be heard out in the hall.
Isn't Primary a blessing for our families.

(kris, I hate typing in those screwy words at the bottom) ugh

Tiffany Johnson said...

Kris, you're the best! Cute blog! Thanks for always being there!

Katie L said...

Happy mother's day! It's ok to be a day behind...it makes things last longer-hahahaha!

Robin said...

Haha, that conversation so cracked me up in Primary! I just love being in there - even though it gets crazy sometimes, the kids are just so great, and I really enjoy getting to work with you, and getting to know you :)

Going Full Hippie said...

i can't believe i missed it! oh well, i'm sure there are moments like that all the time! can't wait. :)

Becca said...

I love your detailed stories.. Maybe when Mae gets a little bigger I will find the time to do the same. I don't know how you do it! Jeff and I basically took 3 months off from church and our calling in Primary. Mae has been with us 2xs now to our CTR 6 class ( we both have colds now of course..) but it was refreshing to go back and enjoy the laughs.

Becca said...

Kristi- I love how detailed your blog is.. my hope is one day when Mae is older to be able to do a good job at blogging :) Jeff and I basically took a 3 month break from church and when we decided to let Mae be exposed to our lovely germ infested primary kids we brought her with us to CTR 6 class ( we both have colds now...) but I realized how much I missed the laughs in Primary.

Kaye said...

I know you are probably one of the best primary presidents ever and the kids are going to be better people because you are in their lives. Love ya. Kaye

Nelka said...

So I know this is sooo after the fact, but I missed this one somehow. So great. Thanks for that. :)