Monday, February 14, 2011


A member of our family under went major surgery today... an eye replacement.

What. You didn't know eye replacements were possible? Amazing, I know. And it wasn't just any member of our family... it was the beloved monkey. Logan's Monkey.

This monkey.

This monkey.

And this monkey.

Back in December, I was helping Lincoln back in my bedroom when all of a sudden I heard Logan scream bloody murder. When he came running and crying back to where I was, I expected to see blood dripping from his head or something. But when he busted through the door, all he could get out was, "MONKEY!... EYE!.... SCAAAAARRRY!!!". And he showed me this...

I must admit I was a little taken back too. There's something a little creepy about seeing the eye socket of a furry friend.

Our temporary solution was an eye patch so Lo would calm down.

Then the search ensued. Logan didn't have any idea where the eyeball went. (Thinking back now.. I think I actually threw it away not realizing what it was.) We looked frantically for Monk's eye, but we were in the midst of packing for vacation. We searched and searched and searched but to no avail.

We were distraught. We thought there was no hope. Then Jera informed me that they sell doll and stuffed animal eyes in any craft store. Really? Did you know that? Sure enough, after a lot of searching, I found Monk's exact eyes on Etsy of all places. They came in the mail today and the surgery was scheduled for after bed time.

Our bag o' eyeballs...

don't you get the feeling that something's looking at you?

Seam ripping the eyebrow

Monkey brains

Sewing up

Good as new! Well, ok maybe not. His ears are about worn through because Logan rubs them at least 100 times a day. :-)


Kristy said...

Haha! I love that you put that eye patch on Monkey! And good for you for searching so diligently for those silly eyes!

Katie said...

what a good mom, and surgeon!! The patch made me laugh too!!

Kaye said...

You're such a fun mom and this series of events will be something Logan remembers, especially because there is a blog about it. I had "Big Dog" (that was his name) when I was little. He lost an eye and my mom replaced it with a piece of black construction paper. It didn't look the same but I felt better because he had two eyes. And now Monk does. Good job.

Lee and Sharon said...

I've been wondering about Monkey and if he got fixed yet. a mother will go to "all" depths for her child. This prooves it!!

Andy said...

oh my gosh kris your blog cracks me up. I love that you have back up eyeballs for monkey.

Erin McSpadden said...

love it. you are such a wonderful mom! love you sis

Mindy, Evan and Davis said...

Davis liked the one eyed monkey he said it was so funny, like a pirate. Anyway, looks like your life is lively as ever.

Nelka said...

Hey, great job on the surgery! When my Snoopy lost an ear (due to my sister. . . ) I was left to sew it back on myself. And let me tell you, a five year old should not sew such things. What a great mom you are!

Stephanie Salmon said...

K, I'm putting it on my calendar. Library this Friday. You, me, and my friend Cyleste. It's at 10, right? I guess we'll all just meet there? I might want to see you before then anyway, I've really been wanting to stop by your house. I miss you! It's embarrassing how close we live and how seldom we get together.

jera parker said...

I can't stop laughing. The photo and commentary was delightful. You are so good at this blogging thing I really wish you could make some money at it! Still laughing....