Sunday, August 23, 2009

Why the crap do I blog?

Does anyone else get so overwhelmed by blogging?!

I love reading everyone else's blogs and staying caught up with friends and family, but the more I do that, the more I feel like I'm so behind! For example...I still haven't posted on our July 4th activities....and probably never will. :-) We've gone on a couple trips that I've never mentioned. I cut my hair, we've played and played and made lots of fun memories and stories. But because I'm a "someday" scrapbooker ("I will start doing it someday") and mediocre at journaling, I fear those fun memories will just stay filed away on our computer in the nicely-organized 2009 photos file, unless I document them here.

So I wait and wait, and then once I realize it has been a month...or two...or three... since my last posting, I spew a bunch of picture vomit (sorry for the imagery) out onto a new post and feel like my job has been done until the next upheaval.

So what's the point in blogging if it just stresses me out? Good question Kristi.

I don't know.

I like it though.

I like feeling caught up and organized.

I like the thought of remembering many little things that Logan does to make me smile.

I like feeling therapized once I get my thoughts and ideas out.

And I'll admit it...I'm human... therapeutic journaling isn't the only reason I like blogging...
I like getting comments too. Phew, there I said it. Is that taboo to say outloud? Don't judge. Don't hate me for appreciating approval from others.

I like the thought that someone actually cares about our measly lives enough to read boring posts like this one. I like the warm fuzzies I get when I feel understood. Even if I'm disagreed with, someone cared enough about me to let me know I'm wrong.

So now that I've convinced myself that blogging our lives is worth my time, effort, and hours of sleep I should be getting instead, I guess I'll keep trying.

Keep aiming for consistency rather than the vomit effect.

Keep trying to download my pictures sooner instead of sitting on the camera until the card is full. :-)

To anyone who still happens to be reading...(because I know that posts without pictures aren't as fun) thanks for listening.

Here's to better blogging...and blogging with more pictures next time. (Because I know that's why the grandmas REALLY check the blogs.)

And here's to going to bed because it is now 2 am. Again. Oops.

PS) I really didn't say all of this about commenting just to get comments. Promise. So if anyone is still reading, don't feel obligated to comment.

PPS) Here is my aforementioned hair (as if most everyone hasn't already seen it because I cut it FOREVER ago. :-)
And here's to band-aids that make everything feel better and eating chocolate ice cream cones outside:


Samye said...

Love the new hair do- and I agree with you, blogging is tough!! I just think of it as other journaling to remember all the details...and even then I forget the details!!

Janae said...

Ohh, I feel your pain! I think we all go through a "why do I blog" spurt...for me, it's lasted a while. :) I don't think your life is mediocre or boring. Everyone else's lives always seem more exciting than mine.

And I LOVE your hair cut, mine is similar to that! And that pic of Logan--wow, he looks SO much like Ben! Keep up the bloggin', and I'll try my best too.

Trent & Emily Davies said...

I totally understand it can get seriously overwhelming if you let it go too long. Yeah its nice to have everything documented but if you go too long I would say just forget about the stuff that happened months ago and just start out fresh. It will be less stressful trying to cram 2 months of activities into one blog post!!

Hang in there...its amazing that being a busy working Mom we even have time to blog so just be glad you even do it at all!!

Trent & Emily Davies said...

Oh yeah...PS.. LOVE the hair cut. It looks so good on you!

Stephanie Salmon said...

Pretty sure I haven't seen your hair. I know that because I can't remember what it looked like before the new do. And about blogging, I am great at it, I always blog a day or two after vacations, BUT, I always wish I could do a post like this one of yours. That involves creative writing and things that make other people laugh. I never know what to say so I just throw up some pictures and tell where we were. And that's about it. So although you may be envious of others who keep up on their blogs, I am envious of you, who just wrote one of the best posts ever. And I'm not leaving this comment because you said you like comments. We all know we all like comments. It's one of the main reasons I blog. And I totally judge my blog post on how many comments it got. Every time.

Oh, and sorry about the miscommunication this week. I'm an idiot. I want to hang out with you soon. I'll make it happen this week.

Lee and Sharon said...

I love your haircut Kris. I'm patiently waiting for picts. Love your blog even without them.
You are way too busy already but keep me posted anyway.

Nelka said...

Kris, I can relate. Some things in life end up that way--- feast or famine. My blogging goes through waves as well. And I don't mind reading when there aren't a lot of photos (I do the same thing).
Also, I love the hair.

Andy said...

Bandaids and chocolate ice cream make me feel better too, Logan!

melissa said...

you ARE alive! :) I check your blog all the, your hair is adorable-in a grown-up-sexy-mom kind of way!

Kaye said...

The other grandma checks in too. I love your blog.

Maegan said...

i love you!! i was not bored for one second because you're so funny. i love the comments also!

Katie and Jason said...

I know this was an older post, but I loved it. I feel the same way all the time. But know that I love reading your blog and seeing all the updates and creativity you have. I love you dear!!