Logan started Kindergarten a few weeks ago and absolutely LOVES it so far! He made a count-down chain to the days leading up to his first day.
When we were picking out back-to-school clothes for him he really had zero opinions. But when it came time for his first day of school he all of a sudden cared about what he looked like. I picked out a SUPER cute outfit for him that made him look like a mack...
see? Pretty hunky, eh?
But he informed me that all the girls would think he looked dumb.
Fine then, have it your way.
This is what he actually wore instead...
still pretty handsome if I do say so myself.
His big hold up was the shoes. He had to wear his new tennis shoes of course.
And who wouldn't want to wear tennis shoes that make you ultra fast when you run??
His other favorite part of his outfit was his survival bracelets. He wears them faithfully everyday. Heaven knows if he gets stranded on the play ground he'll have 16 feet of parachute cord to help him survive.
Super serious pose
And when the big moment came he didn't show an ounce of nervousness until the car ride over. He told me he was excited but he might be a little nervous too. I told him that we could say a little prayer before getting out of the van to help him do good on his first day. Well in all the hussle and bussle I forgot, but Lo remembered when we got up to the gate to walk in and whispered in my ear that he still wanted to say a little prayer. So we stepped aside and said a little quick prayer that he was satisfied with - it was a sweet little moment.
Ben came down on his lunch break to be there for the first day and Logan was SO excited and felt proud that his dad was there to walk him to the gate.
And I only cried a bit, when it came time for him to walk into class by himself.
He loves everything about being in school. He loves his teacher. He loves library time and crafting time. He even loves sitting down to do his "homework" each night. He's even made a bosom buddy, Rob, which I was so happy to see. He's out of these school boundaries so I was a little nervous about him making friends but he and Rob came walking out the first or second day of school holding hands and they've had a couple play dates since then.
It makes my mommy heart proud that school has been a success thus far. Let's hope it stays that way!