Friday, January 15, 2010

Success! (for now)

After 2 1/2 weeks of many prayers, pleading, crossing fingers, tip-toeing, holding our breath, hours and hours of work, anger management techniques and experimenting with every sleeping technique under the moon (including finally having to bolt the bed to the wall).... Logan is finally staying in bed!!!!


Can you tell how ecstatic I am? The precious & productive after-bed-time hours have been reclaimed and I now have a little more sanity to my name!

For the past 3 nights, we have had to return Logan to bed ZERO times (as compared to previously 20, 30, 40, 50 , 60 times in one night). I'm sure more bed time bumps will come down the road, but this is one milestone I am SOOO thankful to be over. A mountain has been climbed... for now!

always accessorizing

And I had to add this because I thought it was so hilarious... last Sunday I took pictures of each Primary class so I could make flash cards for myself to learn names of all the kids I don't know in our newly formed ward.

Proof that girls and boys are NOT the same...




I love Primary. :-)

(PS: If you read that last comment as sarcastic, it wasn't. Against all odds, I really do love our Primary!)


Kalli said...

So how did you get him to stay in his bed?

Angela said...

I'm so glad Logan is doing better with his big boy bed. I hope your upcoming vacation will not set him back. Cute picture of the valiant kids!

Ben said...

Kalli: How did we do this do you ask... we wish we knew!

Lee and Sharon said...

Wonderful and exciting news.
The "stick to it" method really works.

Stephanie Salmon said...

Congrats on Logan staying in bed. Hopefully you didn't just climp one mountain to find you have another waiting... Keeping my fingers crossed for you...

Lee and Sharon said...

Love your new blog colors Kris.

Kaye said...

You knew it would finally happen. He couldn't keep getting out for the rest of his life. And when he's a teenager you'll be trying to get him out. Haha.

By the way, I had a cub scout troop come to the newsroom tonight. One kid would not stop interrupting me - big pain in the butt. He'll probably be a politician someday. Boys are way crazier than girls but we love them, don't we?

Tiffany Johnson said...

YAY!!!!! I'm so happy for you that he's staying in bed. I'm reading this post a little late, I know. How are you??? my long lost neighborhood friend? did you get my message?

MEG said...

Oooooooooooooooh. I miss Primary and I don't all at the same time. It's neat to see some pictures of my old kiddies.