Monday, November 10, 2008

Having a Bad Day?

If so, then browse around this site for a few minutes for a dose of instant pick-me-up.

Picture from Cake Wrecks...see the explanation here

From what I gather, Cake Wrecks is a blog devoted to the worst cakes that exist. The cakes are a crack up, but the commentary from the blogger is the best of all. Really, anytime I'm having a crappy day, I check out the latest and greatest from Cake Wrecks. Enjoy.

PS) I realize I am due for NY part II pics, Halloween pics and much more, but I am home in Spokane, WA right now without any pictures at my disposal.

PPs) Ok...I couldn't resist. Here's another favorite of mine:

Explanation (if you need it) here.

Literal LOLs is one of my favorite labels thus far on Cake Wrecks.


Stephanie Salmon said...

Kristi! How is it going in Spokane? How is that cute little baby doing? I need to come get my pan from you...I'll wait till you get home so I can come visit you. Let me know when that is by the way.

Katie and Jason said...

How funny. When did you go home Kris? Have fun and enjoy Spokane a little for me too! Tell Erin hi and I hope all is going well.

Tiffany Johnson said...

NICE! I'll have to browse when I get some free time. How's Washington? When are you coming home???

Erin McSpadden said...

love the cake wrecks blog, i thought the monkey cake was so funny