Monday, April 15, 2013

soccer time again

We decided to sign Logan up for soccer last year and I'm not gonna lie, it was quite entertaining.  I know it truly doesn't matter at this young age, but let's just say that soccer was not Logan's forte.  I suppose it doesn't help that neither Ben nor I have any idea how to play the sport, so up until last year Logan had never kicked a real soccer ball. 

Logan wanted to play again this year so we decided to give it another try.  And surprisingly he's much better this time around!  And lucky for us his jersey still fits from last year.

Here's some pics from his first game

All kids frantically running toward the ball at the same time... elbows and arms flying, following each other around like a pack of chickens. Or would it be a herd of chickens? Or maybe a flock of chickens?

I think my favorite is when Logan tries to kick the ball when he's still a good 3 feet away from it.  And it's also great when they make a goal... in their own net. doh.


But Lo sure does have a ball out there on the field, and I love Provo's program too.  We'll see if he chooses soccer again next year or not.  Go Logan!


dre said...


Olivia Carter said...

Okay, I was just telling Scott last night, I have GOT to get Rob into some sports. Will you let me know next time you sign Logan up- like I don't even know what sports happen in what seasons. Let's chat!

Lee and Sharon said...

It is funny - but it's so good for the child and I guess the parents too. Just wait - he'll catch on and then you can cheer instead of laugh. In every sport you have to begin somewhere - right Kris?